Government Services
Government agencies and departments are unique. From project management to internal systems, you generate and disseminate critical information your way. We help you reach the right people at the right time with a tailored approach and scaled service offerings to match your needs. And we’re with you for the entirety of the project lifecycle.
LeverageTek is a registered TBIPS Tier 1 and 2 Supply Arrangement and Standing Offer holder.
Streams include:
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Project Management
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Business Services
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Applications Services
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Information Management and Information Technology Services
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Cyber Security
Other registered contracting formats
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Task and Solution Professional Services (TSPS)
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Temporary Help Services (THS)
Government customers can expect:
Service and Expertise
Public sector-focused account executives
Recruitment specialists who understand government fit
Cutting-edge tools and technology to source, attract, screen, and manage talent
Proudly Canadian and headquartered in the National Capital Region
Quality Process
Clear, concise, and adherent proposals
Experienced RFP response team
Scalable provision of individuals or teams
Quality management processes to ensure compliance with grid standards and requirements
Task-Based Informatics Professional Services (TBIPS)
TBIPS Tier 2 (greater than $3.75M)
Supply Arrangement: EN578-170432/172/EI
TBIPS Tier 1 (less than $3.75M )
Supply Arrangement: EN578-170432/172/EI & (JV) EN578-170432/339/EI
Task and Solutions Professional Services (TSPS)
Supply Arrangement: E60ZT-18TSPS/181/ZT
Standing Offer: E60ZT-18TSSO/122/ZT
Supply Arrangement: E60ZT-180027/108/ZT
Temporary Help Services (THS)
Supply Arrangement: EN578-172870/107/ZN